Informationen zur Teilnahme des INBA Natural Olympia 2019 in Las Vegas

Bezüglich der Teilnahme/Anmeldung zum Natural Olympia folgende Informationen aus den USA:

“Please know that all registration for the INBA PNBA NATURAL UNIVERSE and the INBA PNBA NATURAL OLYMPIA will be an online registration process through 

All athletes must create an account at  please be as thorough with complete information as possible as this will create the athletes profile.  Once the account is created the website will email a link to the athlete to verify they are human and not a robot, click on the link to solidify the account.  

The site is membership driven, so each athlete must show proof of Europe Elite Tour Membership, this will be done by emailing a photo of the current Europe Elite Tour Membership to Johnny at he will then approve the membership.  Otherwise, the athlete will be required to purchase either an INBA Global or PNBA Elite (if qualified) Membership through the STORE on the website. 

At this point the athlete will be ready to register online for their Categories/Divisions. 

Please note that there is a HELP on the site for assistance, or email me or Johnny for assistance to insure a smooth online registration process. 

Here is a link with some preliminary information for the Natural Olympia XXII we will be updating information on the site and through social media on a regular basis starting next week.  It’s imperative that the athletes book hotel accommodations at the RIO using the booking code provided. 

Thank you, and let me know if you require further assistance.



Diana Kakos

Chief Executive Officer

Global Leaders In Natural Sports